As long as spots are available, Trilok School has open enrollment across all grades.

There is a $500 enrollment fee that is due at the end of the application.

The completion of this form adds your name to our wait list. A formal acknowledgement of a secured spot is sent upon review.

    Current School

    Please provide information about the applicant's current school. If the applicant is not currently in school, please provide information about the most recent school attended.

    Previous Schools

    Please provide information about any previous schools attended by the applicant. For each school, please list school name, city and state, years attended, and grades attended.

    Household 1

    Please use this page to enter information about the adults in the applicant's primary or custodial residence. School correspondence will be sent to this address.
    If there is a second household, please provide that information on the next page.


    Parent/Guardian 1

    Parent/Guardian 2

    Household 2

    If applicable, please enter information about the adults in the applicant's secondary or non-custodial residence.
    This page will be blank for some applicants.


    Parent/Guardian 1

    Parent/Guardian 2

    I certify that all of the information on this application is true and complete

    Trilok School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, or national or ethnic origin. Spots are first reserved for current Trilok students and then for siblings. Once current students and their siblings have been placed, we then begin to accept applicants from our waitlist. Applicants are selected with thoughtful consideration of whether our school is the right fit for your family.

    On submit, you will be redirected to pay the non-refundable enrollment fee of $500.00
